The application was closed on October 6, 2023 (HK Time 23:59). HKGNA reserves the right to extend the closing date.

  • Please read the Submission Requirements carefully before you submit the application.
  • Please send the completed and signed application form along with the Submission Requirements to OR by post to HKGNA, Unit 1203, 12/F, M Place, 54 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong
    Subject/ Attn: HKGNA Music Competition 2023 Application [Your last name, Your first name]
  • We will confirm receipt of your application form within 5 working days by email.
  • To avoid double application, please send only one official application form via a single method*# (email/online/post).
    *For Chamber Music Division application, please have ONE representative submit all the documents and payment.
    #If you are applying for more than one instrument/category, please submit another form.

Application Fee for each category (non-refundable):

  • Piano/ Strings: HK$400  (per Hong Kong Young Artist) | US$50  (per International Young Artist)
  • Chamber Music: HK$200 (per Hong Kong Young Artist) 

(except for Jury Special Prize Division, please refer to Audition Repertoire Requirements)


Payment Methods

  • Bank Transfer/FPS*
    Hong Kong Generation Next Arts Limited
    Bank Acc. No.  : 848 648028 838
    BANK CODE : 004
    ADDRESS : 1 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
  • Crossed Cheques  (for Hong Kong Young Artists only)
    payable to “Hong Kong Generation Next Arts Ltd”
    Please mail the cheque to
    HKGNA, Unit 1203, 12/F, M Place, 54 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong

    To help us identify the bank transfer,  please ensure your bank quotes details of Payment (your name and contact number)
  • Paypal* (for International Young Artists only)
    Click the link below to proceed

    Paypal Email account:
    Pay Now


    *Please send us ( the receipt together with your application for our confirmation. If you are applying online, please upload it to the Google form when applying.