世宗獨奏家合奏團 與

$300*, $200*, $80

購票網址:  www.hkticketing.com
訂票熱線: 31 288 288

「聲動梁塵、扣人心弦的優質樂團 」

獲得美國CNN的「全球鼎級合奏團之一」讚譽的世宗獨奏家合奏團,是茱莉亞音樂學院教授Hyo Kang以韓國為主軸邀請技術頂尖的年輕演奏者,並於1994年成立的管弦樂團。目前為止在美國、歐洲、亞洲等全球120個以上城市舉辦了近500多場演奏會,並由此宣揚了「韓國」與「世宗」的名聲。此外,世宗獨奏家合奏團是首個受邀卡內基音樂廳與肯尼迪中心自行開展策劃演出的韓國樂團,還被委任為2018年平昌冬季奧運會的首位宣傳大使。

世宗的成員的小提琴家魏靖儀、中提琴家Paul Laraia和大提琴家Na-Young Baek,聯同香港優秀弦樂演奏家,小提琴家王敬、趙瀅娜、Rami Yoo;中提琴家凌顯佑和大提琴家鮑力卓,為觀眾帶來難忘的弦樂之夜。

Piazzolla The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires ‘Summer’ Violinist. Jiin Yang


魏靖儀, 小提琴 / Na-Young Baek, 大提琴

魏靖儀, 小提琴 / Paul Laraia, 中提琴 / Na-Young Baek, 大提琴



Rami Yoo

凌顯祐, Paul Laraia

鮑力卓, Na-Young Baek


獲得美國CNN的「全球鼎級合奏團之一」讚譽的世宗獨奏家合奏團,是茱莉亞音樂學院教授Hyo Kang以韓國為主軸邀請技術頂尖的年輕演奏者,並於1994年成立的管弦樂團。目前為止在美國、歐洲、亞洲等全球120個以上城市舉辦了近500多場演奏會,並由此宣揚了「韓國」與「世宗」的名聲。此外,世宗獨奏家合奏團是首個受邀卡內基音樂廳與肯尼迪中心自行開展策劃演出的韓國樂團,還被委任為2018年平昌冬季奧運會的首位宣傳大使。

Korean-born cellist Na-Young Baek made her American debut with the Philadelphia orchestra in 2000. She has also appeared as soloist with the Hudson Valley Philharmonic, DuPage Symphony Orchestra, Seoul Philharmonic, and the Korean Chamber Ensemble. Recent highlights include playing Dvorak Cello Concerto with Wonju Philharmonic Orchestra at Seoul Arts Center and Greenwich Village Orchestra in New York City.

She was the youngest winner in history of the prestigious Choong Ang Times competition in Korea and was also awarded the “Virtuoso Prize” at the first Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians in Moscow, Russia. She won the first prize in Hudson Valley Philharmonic Competition and the Holland-America Music Society Competition. An avid chamber musician, she has performed at Marlboro Music Festival, the Great Lakes Chamber Music Festival, Casals Festival in Prades, the Aspen Music Festival, and the Isaac Stern Seminar in Israel. At 15, Ms. Baek entered Curtis as a student of Orlando Cole. She pursued studies with Aldo Parisot on a full-scholarship at Yale School of Music, where she received the “Aldo Parisot Prize.” After the Artist Diploma program at Juilliard, she completed the Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Stony Brook University, where she studied and performed with Colin Carr. Her dissertation, “Historically Informed Playing of Bach Suite No. 5”, was based on the comparison of the fifth cello suite with the corresponding g minor suite written for the lute.

Violist Paul Laraia has a multifaceted career as chamber musician, soloist, string quartet violist, and new music performer.  Acclaimed for offering “long lines with lyricism and poise”, Paul has in recent seasons been soloist with the orchestras of Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Bogata, New Jersey, Nashville, and St. Paul.  As a member of Sejong Soloists and violist of the Catalyst Quartet since 2013, Paul has performed globally in major venues such as Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium, the Kennedy Center in DC, Seoul Arts Center, Moscow’s Tchaikovsky Hall, and Lincoln Center’s Great Performers Series.  Major festival appearances include Yellow Barn, Sarasota, Festival Del Sole, Sitka, Banff, Grand Canyon, and Cornell’s “Mayfest”.

Paul began his viola studies with Brynina Socolofsky, pursuing advanced study with CJ Chang and Che-hung Chen. He completed his bachelor’s degree at New England Conservatory of Music under Kim Kashkashian, with full scholarship.

In 2011 Paul won First Prize at Detroit’s Sphinx Competition by unanimous vote, and maintains a close relationship with the Sphinx Organization and its mission.   

Paul is committed to bringing the highest level of performance to all people, exploring the boundaries of what is traditionally presented as “classical music”.  His Quartet has presented concerts to inner city schools, Native American Reservations, hospitals, nursing homes, and to communities with limited access to classical music.

Laureate of the prestigious 2015 Queen Elisabeth International Violin Competition, violinist William Wei received this critical acclaim for his final round Shostakovich Concerto performance from the newspaper Le Soir “…he burns all his passion and freedom in the music till the end.”

Other important solo appearances include the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto with the Cleveland Orchestra at Severance Hall, and the Bruch Scottish Fantasy with the Juilliard Orchestra and Mendelssohn double concerto with Sejong Soloists at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall.

In addition, William has toured for performances with the Belgium National Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan String Academy, and Mainzer Virtuosi. His festival appearances range from Green Mountain Music Festival in Vermont, to Casalmaggiore music festival in Italy, and venues such as Henry le Boeuf Hall in Belgium, Gasteig Concert Hall in Munich, and Cremona Stradivari Museum (Museo del Violino). William has collaborated with renowned musicians Gil Shaham, Marin Alsop, Jahja Ling, Nai Yuan Hu, Cho Liang Lin, Orion Weiss and Gilbert Varga.

William began his violin lessons at age five in his native Taiwan. He recently completed his Bachelor of Music Degree studies at Juilliard with Hyo Kang and I-Hao Lee, as a recipient of the Jerome L. Greene Foundation Scholarship. Mr. Wei performs on an Antonio Stradivarius violin, Cremona, 1683, ex-Cobbett, on loan from Mr. Higgin Kim, Chairman of Byucksan Engineering Co. Ltd through the Stradivari Society of Chicago and Sejong Soloists.

韓裔小提琴家Rami Yoo畢業於韓國延世大學及美國皮博迪音樂學院,考獲音樂碩士。她曾與韓國交響樂團、首爾藝術中心藝術節樂團及 KT 室樂團的團員,亦以獨奏家身份於首爾藝術中心、靈山藝術廳、世宗文化會館室樂廳及洛杉磯韓國文化館中舉行獨奏會。她曾參與2012年亞太聯合樂團的歐洲巡迴演出,及維也納音樂節。

Rami Yoo亦於延世大學、芮苑藝術大學校音樂學院和首爾藝術中心青少年音樂學院教授小提琴。

備受讚譽的加拿大籍小提琴家王敬,是當代最多才多藝及活力充沛的小提琴家之一。他六歲於法國馬賽作個人獨奏首演後,於多項頂尖國際大賽獲得殊榮,其中包括於2007年歐文克萊恩國際弦樂賽獲得首獎。2003年,他獲Les Radios Francophones Publiques(涵蓋法國、加拿大、瑞士及比利時的廣播聯網)選為「年度年輕獨奏家」。


王敬曾於各大主要表演場地,如位於渥太華的國家藝術中心及林肯中心演出室樂及獨奏音樂會,獲得擊節讚賞。他演奏的樂韻可經常於加拿大CBC廣播電台收聽。王敬亦是德薩斯州達拉斯室樂系列 Ensemble 75 的創辦人之一。

2013年王敬出任香港管弦樂團的樂團首席前,曾任達拉斯歌劇院樂團的樂團首席三年。他演奏的小提琴為瓜達尼尼(G.B. Guadagnini)於1760年所製,由劉元生慈善基金安排借出。

趙瀅娜現任為香港管弦樂團首席第二小提琴,在此之前,她就讀於柏林Hanns Eisler音樂學院並獲得音樂學士和碩士學位。在德國期間,她曾任柏林德意志歌劇院助理首席第二小提琴。2005年,她首次獲委任為席勒斯威格-霍爾斯坦節慶管弦樂團團長及獨奏樂師,與世界知名的指揮家合作,當中包括:艾森巴赫、賀格活特、布隆斯泰德、費沙爾及普雷特涅夫等。



凌顯祐自六歲起隨已故北京中央音樂學院教授林耀基學習小提琴,他自小已以小提琴獨奏身份隨香港葉氏兒童合唱圑巡迴歐洲、北美和亞太區演出。 他又曾經和香港管弦樂團、香港中樂團及中國廣播愛樂合作,又分別在香港、北美及歐洲舉行獨奏會。









獲優惠人士必須於入場時出示有效年齡 / 身份證明

門票現於快達票售票網公開發售:位於香港會議展覽中心、香港演藝學院、香港演藝學院伯大尼古蹟校園、亞洲國際博覽館、九龍灣國際演貿中心、D.Park愉景新城及K11 Select的售票處,以及遍佈全港的通利琴行。

